Vaedus | Interview preparation in Delhi
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To get personalized training for Interviews call/Whattsapp us at +91-9958879262, Learn from corporate trainer with 20 years of experience in Hiring process. visit Motivation and Goals: Why MBA? Career goals, long term goals. Academic Background: Undergraduate studies, strengths, weaknesses, academic challenges and achievements. Work Experience: Roles, responsibilities, achievements,...

1. Describe how you handled a challenge in the workplace. 2. While working on a project, have you ever made an error? How did you handle it? 3. Talk about a goal you reached and how you achieved it. 4. Have you ever taken a decision that wasn’t...

1. Tell me something about yourself. (Introduction) You Should take about 60 to 90 seconds to introduce yourself. Talk about your education and academic achievements. Talk about your work experience or Internship or workshops that you attended. Highlight your extra-curricular achievements, like College fest organiser, getting...

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.