Vaedus | SAT Vocabulary Builder,
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SAT Vocabulary Builder,

Complex Vocabulary with Explanations:

Frequently used in SAT

  1. Abstain: To not do something

Ex: He abstained from office festivities as he was upset about his uncle’s health.

  • Accolade: Praise or an award

Ex: The play received many accolades for excellent writing and acting.

  • Acrid: Strong and bitter as related to a taste or smell

The acrid smoke filled the air, causing many people to escape.

  • Adulation: Admiration and praise for someone who may not deserve it.

The Minister accepted the adulation from people.

  • Alchemy: A precursor of chemistry who would try to find a potion to cure everything and turn lead to gold

The library has many books on ancient alchemy.

  • Ambiguous:        Unclear, a statement that carries more than one meaning.

His statement on the matter was Ambiguous

  • Anecdote: An information/story about a person, usually interesting story

My Grandparent would tell me anecdote stories about my father’s childhood.

  • Anthology: A collection of writing like stories or poems

The Library has a good range of anthology.

  • Aspiration: A strong Desire to achieve something (position or possession)

Today’s youth has aspirations of better career

  1. Arduous: Difficult, Requiring a great deal of strength and efforts.

Getting admission to Ivy League colleges is an arduous task.

  1. Antipodes: Two places which are on opposite sides of earth

Knowledge of antipodes help in geological studies.

  1. Atrophy: To waste away, decline
  1. Braggart: A person who speaks proud of himself or his achievements/deeds

Although my friend is a successful person he never misses a chance to brag about it.

  1. Backlash: A strong reaction to a political or social event or decision

The government faced backlash on the new tax policy.

  1. Belligerent: Aggressive
  1. Circumscribe: To restrict
  1. Chastised: To criticize in a severe manner
  1. Censorious: Extremely Critical approach or behavior
  1. Commence: To begin, to Start
  • Concurred: to have the same opinion
  • Congenial: A trait that has been acquired
  • Consummate:  To complete, to fulfill
  • Curtail: to reduce or to cut short
  • Counterfeit: To copy something with an intention to deceive
  • Cryptic: Mysterious, not clear
  • Denounce: To inform against,
  • Defraud: To take a possession of (money/rights/property) by unfair means
  • Domicile: A place of Residence
  • Decipher: succeed in understanding, interpreting or identifying something
  • Diplomacy: The art of management of relations (generally referred to between two countries)
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