Vaedus | OET Speaking Role Play
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OET Speaking Role Play

Five fundamentals for OET role play,

  1. Find out the reason for Patient’s visit, ask relevant questions, at this stage let the Interlocutor/ Examiner speak in detail, do not interrupt, do not show signs of eagerness to speak, don’t presume, hear the interlocutor patiently.
  2. Assure the patient: Use sentences like it’s a commonly known issue, there is cure available for it, we are here to take care of that.
  3. Explain the disease: Understand the patient may not have detailed knowledge about the condition. Share details or educate the patient, why does this disease happen, what are the symptoms, what can be done to improve the situation, why certain medicine is required, explain potential treatments available, time for treatment etc.
  4. Reassure the Patient: Try to comfort the patient by describing the treatment, it’s effectiveness, time frame for the patient to be cured.
  5. Provide Recommendations: Describe the treatment as suggested in case note, avoid using any brand name, inform about any additional services available, recommend dietary changes, physical exercises, nutritional supplements etc.

Overall you role in OET Spaeking role play is to assure the patient not to prescribe the medicine or give treatment. The examination system of OET is testing your ability to communicate, they are looking at multiple factors,

a. Grammatical range and accuracy:

b. Sentence fluency: (your ability to create different kinds of sentences, you should not be repeating your sentences,)

c. Ability to comfort: OET speaking role play is not looking at the most accurate treatment, they are looking at your ability to comfort the patient.

d. Appropriate Vocabulary: use appropriate vocabulary, remember you are speaking to a patient avoid using Jargons (known only to healthcare professionals) Explain in a manner that a common patient would be able to understand.

e. Pronunciation: OET Speaking is looking at a neutral accent that is what you speak is clear to the Interlocutor or examiners, that is you do not carry a very heavy accent.

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