15 May IELTS writing & speaking correction services
We offer correction services for IELTS writing; you can reach us at www.vaedus.com or write to vishalchoudharyc@gmail.com you can also call/Whattsapp: +91-9958879262
We will be sharing questions on request or you can pick your own questions from any other sources.
There are different packages, starting from
- Two writings to be corrected: You can write one answer for each task, we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
- Four writings to be corrected: You can write answers and share, we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
- Six writings to be corrected: You can write answers and share, we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
- Eight writings to be corrected: You can write answers and share, we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
In addition to this we also offer Speaking evaluation services.
We conduct recorded sessions of speaking test based on IELTS Standards.
These recordings are evaluated and a detailed feedback is shared with you.
There are different packages, starting from
- Two Speaking tests: You can take two tests of 15 minutes each; we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
- Four Speaking tests: You can take four tests of 15 minutes each; we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
- Six Speaking tests: You can take six tests of 15 minutes each; we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
- Eight Speaking tests: You can take eight tests of 15 minutes each; we will evaluate it and share a detailed feedback via email.
You can also take a combo of writing and speaking tests.
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