Vaedus | IELTS Que Card
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IELTS Que Card


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  1. Describe a useful website you have visited.

You should say:

what the website was

how you found the address for this website

what the website contained

and explain why it was useful to you.

In today’s tech savvy world everyone uses multiple websites every day, sometimes we may not even realize how much we as a society depend on websites for any and every thing we need, be it shopping, communication, business or education.

One website that I frequently visit and depend a lot for my needs is Google.

Google happens to be a search engine that can redirect one to a more specified website for an information, or it may have the information available itself, I was first introduced to Google almost 15 years back by one of my colleagues.

The website has been extremely useful for me, I use it for almost every search whether I am looking for directions or trying to know about a recent research, looking for updates about money market or simple searching some sports information.

  • Talk about a book that you remember well.

You should say:

What the title is and who wrote it

What the books is about

Why you read it

And explain why you remember it well

I am inclined towards reading books since my school days and whenever I get time I try to read a new book, very recently I bought a book by the name of “ Who moved my cheese” this book has been written by Dr Spencer Johnson.

This book is a an excellent book for looking for new frontiers in life and career.

The story is about two rats who live in an abandoned house that has tons of food supply for the rats and they have a great time, eating and relaxing is the only thing that the rats do.

After some time one of the rats decides to look around for other sources of food, however the other rat dismisses the idea of looking around and simple prefers to eat and sleep.

One of the rats goes around and finds some other sources of foods and comes back to share the news with his friend, his friend refuses to move out and continues to stay in the house.

The first rat goes to the new source of food and after few days decides to go back and look for his friend once he reaches the abandoned house he realized that his friend had not eaten for days and was extremely weak as one day the owners of the house came and moved all the food from the house and the rat had no place to go to search for new food he was left with no choice but to wait for house owners to come back with some food, Around the same time his friend had another source of food, finally both the rats move to the new place.

The story tells us that no matter how good the current situation is we must keep our eyes and ears open to see what is happening around. This will help us remain prepared for any untoward situation that may come around.

  • Talk about a magazine or newspaper article that you read.

You should say

When and where you read it

What the article was about

Why you read it

And explain if you enjoyed it or not.

Recently I read an article about health care system in India and was pleasantly surprised to see a wonderful plan being initiated by the government. It was printed by almost all leading periodicals in India and around the world.

The Article was planned to give health insurance to a large population of India who can not afford to get quality medical treatment. As per the article the government is launching a new health care program for people below certain level of income and the insurance premium will be paid by the Government.

This will give a health insurance to those covered for a sum of half a million and would cover the entire family of the covered person, it will also reduce a lot of pressure from government health centers and will generate a large amount of business in private sector health care centers and will also generate a lot of employment opportunities in private health care system.

As I read through the article I was pleasantly surprised as a large number of people for low income group will have access to advanced health care facility and also create opportunities for young people to get employment in this sector.

  • Talk about a television channel that you like.

You should say

What the name of the channel is

What types of programs it offers

When you usually watch this channel

And explain why you like this channel.

Although I do not get enough time to watch television due to my difficult work schedule, however some times I do watch television to get some entertainment or information.

I generally like to watch History Channel as I find programs from this channel to be informative and mostly the programs are one hour in length and every episode completes in one hour. That is I don’t need to wait for next episode to get complete information about the program.

I usually watch the shows on weekend, my preference of programs are those which are based on scientific research, space research and social issues from around the world.

Why I like the channel is because it give a fresh program every time and each of the program is informative, it gives some new information and knowledge every time I watch it.

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