Vaedus | CELPIP writing, Survey Question
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CELPIP writing, Survey Question

Q2: Many college students think that the food services on campus are not agreeable. Campus officials are trying to make a big change to satisfy students’ needs. They are surveying students’ opinions about two options.

Choose the option that you prefer. Why do you prefer your choice? Explain the reasons for your choice. Write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Restaurants: Famous restaurants can open branches on campus. Students will have a huge variety of choice among their favorite restaurants. Prices are expected to be competitive too.

Option B: Big cafeteria: The cafeteria can offer students low prices meals. It also offers a large variety of food options for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Sample answer: visit:

I quite like the idea to improve food services on campus; I strongly recommend university administration to consider the option A that is opening of well-known restaurants branches on our campus. It would certainly meet the needs of all sorts of students.

As most of us, students have various dining inclinations. Having the opportunity to choose from a large number of famous restaurants would solve many issues related to meals on campus. To start with, this option would relieve us from the tiring and time consuming process of cooking or thinking each time what to have for next meal. We will be able to concentrate more on our academic activities knowing that we have a wide range of food choices available on campus only.

Besides, everyone will find a suitable place that matches his or her eating preference. It is also worth mentioning that having just one cafeteria, regardless of how large it is, will make the food choices limited and turn the place into a crowded, loud unwelcoming environment. Many of us look forward to a calm nice dinner every now and then.

Setting a model for other campuses and universities and developing our campus food services, would only be feasible if option A is put into practice.

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