Common Topics for IELTS Speaking
TOPICS Covered - ShoppingMoviesTheatreCareerFestivalsMusicFamilyWritingFoodYour CountryAdvertisingWorkStudyTelevisionHome TownTourismNewspaperAnimalsSports ...
TOPICS Covered - ShoppingMoviesTheatreCareerFestivalsMusicFamilyWritingFoodYour CountryAdvertisingWorkStudyTelevisionHome TownTourismNewspaperAnimalsSports ...
Using effective vocabulary to display a wide range is one of the prerequisites of any International English test. When we are trying to speak or write we should try to use positive words to improve upon our presentation. I am sharing this list with you...
CELPIP speaking describe Image and CELPIP speaking making prediction. For Detailed Online traing in LIVE Classes, Please call / Whattsapp us at +91-9958879262 and / or visit our website Here are few statements that can help you better start your dialogue and present an effective...
To get LIVE ONLINE Coaching for IELTS call us at +9958879262 or visit ABANDON: To give up completely - abandoned the sinking ship. Synonyms: relinquish, forgo, forsake ADVERSITY: Misfortune - calm in the face of adversity. Synonyms: affliction, mischance, reverses AGGRESSIVE (noun: AGGRESSION. an unprovoked attack): self-assertive; attacking, offensive - annoyed people by...
Hi We are starting two new groups for CELPIP online training, LIVE Classes, with 30 writing and 150+ speaking tasks to be covered. We provide end to end training covering all modules in deatails, We have consistently been maintaing a succes rate of ~85%. One...
Using phrasal verb enhances the flair in your english presentation for CELPIP writing, CELPIP speaking as well as other tests like, IELTS, TOEFL, PTE and overall English Communication. To get LIVE ONLINE Training for CELPIP or IELTS with Expert Trainer VISHAL CHOUDHARY, Please visit or...
Join us to get Live classes for PTE via zoom, visit or call/whattsapp: +91-9958879262 Q1. Is competitive environment in educational institution good or bad? Discuss and give your opinion. examples. Q2. Students with college degrees earn high salary than who doesn’t have an academic qualification. Therefore, some argue...
We offer correction services for IELTS writing; you can reach us at or write to you can also call/Whattsapp: +91-9958879262 We will be sharing questions on request or you can pick your own questions from any other sources. There are different packages, starting from Two writings to be...
We offer correction services for CELPIP writing; you can reach us at or write to you can also call/Whattsapp: +91-9958879262 We will be sharing questions on request or you can pick your own questions from any other sources. There are different packages, starting from Two writings to be...
What is the Examiner looking at: Grammatical Range & AccuracyAppropriate Vocabulary, Presenting a good range of Vocabulary including connecting words like, However, until, additionally, therefore etc.Present your original thought, do not follow any templateCandidate was able to understand and represent the textPOINT TO BE NOTED IS THERE...
Using effective vocabulary to display a wide range is one of the prerequisites of any International English test. When we are trying to speak or write we should try to use positive words to improve upon our presentation. I am sharing this list with you...
Contact us for Comprehensive training on CELPIP , Classes are LIVE on ZOOM, Call us or Whattsapp +91-9958879262 or visit Q2: You purchased annual membership to a fitness center based on an advertisement. After a period of time, you discovered that the services described on the...
We are starting new classes for SAT starting May 2022. You get LIVE Online classes via Zoom, You can take one on one classes or take classes in groups of 3-4 students. The Trainer for English has an experience of 20+ years with proven success story. Our...
Here is good news for International students who are aspiring to study in Canada or those who are already studying there. for training of IELTS, CELPIP and TOEFL. This is taken from a report published in economic times; Canada has announced additional benefits for international students...
To get LIVE online training for CELPIP visit us at or call/whatssap: +91-9958879262 FILLERS If I have to present my thoughts/opinion I would say, I have mixed views on this issue Honestly Speaking, I am not an expert in art, but I suppose that To be honest, I am no...
To get LIVE online training for IELTS vsit us at or call/whatssap: +91-9958879262 If I have to present my thoughts/opinion I would say, I have mixed views on this issue Honestly Speaking, I am not an expert in art, but I suppose that To be honest, I am no...
This set will help you prepapre for an interview, for futrther personalized training on Interview preparation call +91-9958879262 or visit QUESTIONS THEY WILL ASK YOU Talk about an accomplishments of which you are most proud of. 2. List three abilities you have that will...
Use of collocations in your writing and speaking will make you sound more like a native and help you enhance your score. It is advisable for all test takers to start practicing collocations. In this post we are sharing collocations with Make. List of common collocations...
hi These collocations will help you improve your speaking as well as writing score for CELPIP or IELTS. To get detailed training please visit or call: +91-9958879262 Using collocations will help you improve upon your writing and speaking, whether you are taking a school/college examination or appearing for...
Here are some topics that we could gather from students who took their IELTS test in 2022. For comprehensive LIVE online training vivit or call / whattsapp: +91-9958879262 A School rule that you did not likeA school rule that you likedA person who helped you at...
Corrected answer on City Park or development Practice Test 1 - Writing Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions Park Sale A builder wants to buy a popular park in your city. He wants to build two apartment buildings for seniors on the land. You use the park a lot,...
IELTS speaking test, Call / Whattsapp us +91-9958879262 or visit our website for more details of LIVE classes, both online and off-line. Happy to present new course on preparation for IELTS speaking test. The course is based on 200+ recent speaking questions asked in IELTS...
COLLOCATIONS to improve your Band score in IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL Writing and Speaking. For Live online classes visit or Call/whattsapp: +91-9958879262 Get angry Mr. Peters gets angry at late comers. Get dark She will leave for home before it gets dark. Get rich He has...
OET Speaking Role Play, Five steps for doctor’s role play 1. Find out, reason for the visit, what is the ailment 2. Advice: The patient in an assuring manner, this will help him/her get comfortable 3. Explain: the disease, as to why does it happen, precaustions, treatment avaiable etc. 4. Reassure:...
The course is updated in April 2022, I keep updating the content evey 2 months. 20 Recent CELPIP writing questions with Answers, all 8 Speaking questions explained with tips and example answers to help you prepare for the desired score. For LIVE ONLINE training sessions...
Here is a list of 45 strong verbs that will help you improve your scores in CELPIP writing and CELPIP speaking section. Please go through these and start practicing/using them in your writing and speaking as you practice your CEPIP questions. To get a comprehensive training...
We provide OET training for Doctors and Nurses, have successfully trained 100+ students in last 2 years. Classes are conducted Live on Zoom with flexible timings. Take Live Zoom Classes for OET by expert trainer and author with 20+ years of experience. You can reach us...
Read the following information. You live in a town where there is a green area in the centre of the town, the city authorities have asked residents for their opinion as to how to develop the area. Building green area survey: Option A:A stadium should be built with all modern training facilities...
Q: One of your cousins is about to take admissions in college, he/she is looking at two choices a college of repute in the same state and another college of International repute in a state far from your state, you have been asked to give...
Hi I am sharing few OET speaking tasks here for you to rehearse. OET Speaking is a Role play, you are assigned a task and get three minutes to read it, You can make notes, Underline the relevant sections. The task will be a 5 Minutes...
Hi Presenting few recent CELPIP writing task one questions for you to practice, The answers are to be written in 150-200 words each. If you need guidance or correction services visit or call / whattsapp +91-9958879262 Task I You just moved to a new city and...
CELPIP writing task 2 questions, Please start writing practice with the given questions, if you are looking for correction services or detailed training for CELPIP, reach out to or Call / whattsapp: +91-9958879262. The answers are to be written in 150 to 200 words, Time...
Some recent IELTS ESSAY questions The movement of people from villages to cities for work is causing serious problems in both places. What are the serious problems associated with this? What measures can be ...
Five fundamentals for OET role play, Find out the reason for Patient's visit, ask relevant questions, at this stage let the Interlocutor/ Examiner speak in detail, do not interrupt, do not show signs of eagerness to speak, don't presume, hear the interlocutor patiently.Assure the...
Adding some of these words to your writing and speaking will definitely help you improve upon your vocabulary and your writing and speaking answers will be able to fetch higher scores. For more such information click Certified Verified Risk-free Effective Tested Proven Solution-oriented Vetted Non-negotiable Quality-controlled Legitimate Foolproof...
Awe-inspiring Astounding Expound Exquisite Jubilant Blissful Brilliant Dynamic Burgeoning Breathtaking Accomplished Successful Aspirations Aquatic-world Ardent Livid Enterprising Venturesome Ambitious Go-getting Life-changing Empowering Jubilant Encouraging Remarkable Extraordinary Stunning Baffling Monumental Admirable Sensational Incredible Mesmerizing ...
Accelerate Aspire Amplify Entice Intrigue Ignite for more such updates visit Transpire Surge Swell Disrupt Rejuvenate Hamper Sabotage Jeopardize Derive Transform Soar Explore Refine Re-define Strategize Inspire Bolster Propel Nudge Contend Actualize Maximize Reinforce Impart ...
To Start the Presentation: Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Thanks for coming. On behalf of ABC Group, I’d like to welcome you all to the presentation/ Meeting. Hello everyone, I’m delighted to be speaking with you today. As you all know, I am going to be talking to you about upcoming CPC project. In this...
We are sharing some recent CELPIP writing task 1 questions here for you to practice. To see standard answers and evaluation of your answers visit The questions have been shared by our students who took CELPIP test recently. CELPIP writing Task 1 You just moved to a new city and...
In your CELPIP exam, the writing task is split into two parts and for task 2 you are aloocated 26 minutes. It must contain at least 150 to 200 words so waste no time, concentrate and focus on the task at hand. It’s a survey question, where in...
However : }Is used to present a contrast }To present a contradicting statement }"The movie got good reviews; however, it was very long." }"I'm going to buy a car; however, I'll have to use all of my savings." }"I'm not excited about going;...
9. Each year, the crime rate increases. What are the causes of crime and what could be done to prevent this rise in criminal activity? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. Crime has always been an issue of concern around...
8. Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole. Discuss this view and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own...
You can write your responses and contact for further guidance. Task II A Transit company in Vancouver is asking the public to give feedback on a better fare system for its frequent users, They have sent out an opinion survey to see which discounted Fare system is preferred by transit...
Sample question with Answer Q1: Your company’s management is thinking of creating a facility in its premises. The Management is surveying your opinion on what to have. The major question is whether the company should build a gym or a child care center. Choose the option that you prefer. Why...
Sample Question with Answer Q2: You purchased annual membership to a fitness center based on an advertisement. After a period of time, you discovered that the services described on the advertisement are not found in the center. You tried to talk to the manager, but he did nothing to help. Write an...
ABANDON: To give up completely - abandoned the sinking ship. Synonyms: relinquish, forgo, forsake ADVERSITY: Misfortune - calm in the face of adversity. Synonyms: affliction, mischance, reverses AGGRESSIVE (noun: AGGRESSION. an unprovoked attack): self-assertive; attacking, offensive - annoyed people by his aggressive attitude; Synonyms: bumptious, officious, obtrusive Antonyms: meek, humble, retiring, diffident AMBIGUOUS: Uncertain, vague, capable of...
Deleterious: Harmful or damaging Disparage: To criticize to disrespect Elude: To escape from, (generally used as escaping by tricking others) Elusive: Difficult to Find Earmark: To keep separate (an amount, something) for a specific purpose or person. Embroiled: to get involved in a difficult situation Endure: Suffer patiently Endurance: the ability to endure a difficult process,...
Complex Vocabulary with Explanations: Frequently used in SAT Abstain: To not do something Ex: He abstained from office festivities as he was upset about his uncle’s health. Accolade: Praise or an award Ex: The play received many accolades for excellent writing and acting. Acrid: Strong and bitter as related to a taste or smell The acrid smoke...
Speaking Question Two Sharing a personal experience Preparation Time: 30 Seconds Recording Time: 60 Seconds Sample Question Q2. Talk about a time when you helped someone. How to Answer Brief IntroductionTalk about the ExperienceConclude It happened with me while I was working for a corporate company in USA, one of the employees working in my team was about to...