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To get personalized training for Interviews call/Whattsapp us at +91-9958879262, Learn from corporate trainer with 20 years of experience in Hiring process. visit Motivation and Goals: Why MBA? Career goals, long term goals. Academic Background: Undergraduate studies, strengths, weaknesses, academic challenges and achievements. Work Experience: Roles, responsibilities, achievements,...

1. Describe how you handled a challenge in the workplace. 2. While working on a project, have you ever made an error? How did you handle it? 3. Talk about a goal you reached and how you achieved it. 4. Have you ever taken a decision that wasn’t...

1. Tell me something about yourself. (Introduction) You Should take about 60 to 90 seconds to introduce yourself. Talk about your education and academic achievements. Talk about your work experience or Internship or workshops that you attended. Highlight your extra-curricular achievements, like College fest organiser, getting...

A School rule that you did not likeA school rule that you likedA person who helped you at workDisagreement with a decision that someone madeYour Favorite item of clothingGood news about a person you know wellWhen someone said positive comments to you A book you...

Aspirations – A strong wish for achievement or success To get live one on one training for Interview preparation, business English, Corporate communication call/whattsapp us at +91-9958879262 or visit Acquiring Skills Acquiring knowledge -   Leadership, Overseas assignments, Remuneration – Money paid for work or service Career fulfillment – is a feeling when one...

What we should pay attention to Before you start writing your response 1.       Read the question carefully 2.       Do not start writing immediately 3.       Think of the position that you will be taking 4.       Write down your key arguments Writing Introduction paragraph 1.       Introduce the topic 2.       Paraphrase the question 3.       Share your Opinion Writing Body Paragraphs Present your key argument – elaborate...

The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) is an English language test that candidates take to demonstrate their English language proficiency. This test is accepted by the Canadian Immigration Authorities for immigration purposes. Additionally, the English language proficiency test is also accepted by many colleges, universities, and other educational...

These are recent questions presented in IELTS writing To Get Detailed training for IELTS from Trainer and Author with 20 years of experience call/Whattsapp: +91-9958879262 or visit our website We have successfully trained more than 10,000 students for different tests with excellent results. Missions to explore...

How to structure your answer: You should use 3 or 4 paragraphs; maintain a polite and professional tone. Write one or two key arguments and elaborate it. To get detailed training contact us at or call/whattsapp- +91-9958879262 You may also refer to our best selling and highest...

Using fillers gives you additional time to think about your key presentation along with that it makes your answers more presentable, additionally, you are able to present sentence fluency using different kinds of opening for your sentences. Here we are presenting some fillers that can be...

Aspirations – A strong wish for achievement or success Acquiring Skills Acquiring knowledge -   Leadership, Overseas assignments, Remuneration – Money paid for work or service Career fulfillment – is a feeling when one enjoys his/her work as making a difference and creating meaningful work. Enlighten – greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation Self assessment, Back ground, Unemployment benefits, Employer, Fringe benefits...

Abstinence (The doctor advised abstinence from alcohol), Balanced diet, Catch a cold, Cardio exercises, Counting calories, Work out, Look after my health, Vigorous exercise, Health benefits, Healthcare sector, As fit as a fiddle – In very good health Obesity, Mental and physical well being, Nursing a wound, Stamina, Fitness, Lean body, Practice of Yoga, Sedentary Lifestyle, ...

LIVE ONE ON ONE TRAINING OVER ZOOM/GOOGLE MEET We provide live and comprehensive training for CELPIP at flexible timings, including weekend. Learn from trainer and author with 20 years experience. Call us +91-9958879262 or visit The Training course covers all 4 modules. You also get access...

To help you improve your writing and speaking Effective in CELPIP, IELTS, TOEFL and other English tests Different types of sentences express different emotions, and thoughts in various ways. Sentences are classified on the basis of Function and Structure. On the basis of function, sentences are classified...

Abilities that can help you achieve success: Ability to sell and negotiateAbility to convey your thoughtsAbility to plan and organizeAbility to break a process down into smaller stepsAbility to listen and learn from other’s experience and knowledgeAbility to adapt, improvise and overcome obstaclesAbility to read, understand...

Email Writing, To get Live Classes over Zoom, Please call/Whattsapp: +91-9958879262 or visit Step by step explanation, along with sample answers You get 27 minutes to complete this task and you should write the response in 150 to 200 words. How to present an effective answer Writing Task One- email...

Compound Words in English, These are helpful in improving the levels of your sentences, useful in both speaking and writing         Brainstorm         Scapegoat         Aftermath         Backdrop         Backfire         Daredevil         Frostbite         Make-up         Lighthearted         Milestone         Outlaw         Wholesale         Sunflower         Backbone         Sweetmeat         Lifeboat         Greenhouse         Lighthouse         Traffic jam         Grown-up         Also-ran         Headache         Toothbrush ...

Email writing, Questions for you to practice Source: Paragon, Different students who appeared for CELPIP To Get One on One Training for CELPIP, Please call/Whattsapp: +91-9958879262 or visit Learn from Trainer with 20+ years experience, trained more than 1000 Candidates with successful results. We provide multile services:...

STRONG VERBS TO HELP YOU SCORE HIGHER BAND TO GET LIVE ONE ON ONE TRAINING OVER ZOOM CALL US/WHATTSAPP: +91-9958879262 Abolish: Accelerate: Achieve: Align: Anticipate: Boost: Comprehend: Confront: Create: Define: Defuse: Deploy: Diagnose: Discover: Eliminate: Emphasize: Evaluate: Explore: Finalize: Foresee: Gather: Generate: Grasp: Identify: Ignite: Illuminate: Implement: Indicate: Innovative: Inspire: Intensify: Leverage: Mobilize: Motivate: Persuade: Prevent: Realize: Reconsider: Resist: Respond: Retain: Segment: Stimulate: Stretch: Transform: Unleash:  ...

To Get comprehensive training fir IELTS or CELPIP please call or whattsapp: +91-9958879262 Adding And As well as Moreover Furthermore In addition Too On top of that Another point is Not only that Sequencing First, Firstly, First of all Second, Secondly Third Next Meanwhile Now Subsequently Illustrating For Example Such as For Instance In the case of As shown by Illustrated by Take One Example is Comparing Because Because of As a result...

e-mail writing You are presented with a question which is generally a lifestyle question for you. The question is to be answered in 150-200 words and the time allocated is 27 minutes. What you are assessed at is, Grammar, Vocabulary Range, Sentence fluency and Task addressed. To...

Guidelines to write an effective essay Plan before you write How should you plan? Read the question at least two times, make sure you understand the taskCreate a coherent path from Thesis to conclusionThinking is great, avoid thinking too muchHave your ideas ready to include at right spotsHave the topic related vocabulary ready (Practice...

LIVE SESSIONS ON ZOOM. IELTS preparation is a challenge for many. How do we overcome this challenge. Be it IELTS or TOEFL or any other International English test. What are they looking at. They are looking at GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY, SENTENCE FLUENCY and effective answer to the task presented. A comprehensive...

Introduction General Statement about Topic Restate/Paraphrase the question Thesis: Answered Question- Lead it to body The Body Support 1 and elaborate Support 2 and elaborate Back you statements with example Body Paragraph 2 Support 1 and explain Support 2 and explain Example if – any to support your claim Conclusion Restatement of thesis Paraphrase main ideas that you...

QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS For Live training on Zoom, Please call +91-9958879262 or visit Describe a useful website you have visited. You should say: what the website was how you found the address for this website what the website contained and explain why it was useful to you. In today’s tech savvy world...

There is a huge requirement of software professionals in the country and every year more than 1 Lakh fresh graduates are hired by companies. This interview is conducted by almost all software companies in different forms. The interviews are conducted in different settings. Campus interviewsHiring camps/FairWalk in InterviewsPlanned and scheduled...

CELPIP test is conducted to assess your eligibility for Canada Immigration and is the most popular test in last couple of years for Canada Immigration. It is mandatory for applicants coming from non English speaking countries to show their proficiency in English by submitting a valid test score. Off...

IELTS academic test is conducted to assess your eligibility for College or University admissions and is widely used as a standard testing system by universities across all English speaking countries. It is mandatory for students coming from non English speaking countries to show their proficiency...

LIVE ONLINE ONE ON ONE TRAINING I have been providing Live one on one coaching for RESIDENCY INTERVIEW QUESTIONS for last 4 years. Over last 3 Years I have trained more than 100 Candidates (Overseas Graduates) to successfully clear the Interview. Call and schedule a tailor made...

We Offer Live one on one training for CELPIP using ZOOM, call us or whattsapp at +91-9958879262 Examples of Collocations with Make Here we present a list of common collocations with make with example sentences. Make a call I want to make a call to my spouse. Make a comment I would...

Contact us for One on One training for Interviews, Learn from Expert trainer with more than 20 years experience in India and USA. Call +91-9958879262 QUESTIONS THEY WILL ASK YOU Talk about an accomplishments of which you are proud of List three abilities you have that...

PHRASES for CORPORATE ENGLISH COMMUNICATION, I offer personalized training for Business Communication, Interview Preparation. for furth details visit or call: +91-9958879262 AGREE I completely agree with you I strongly agree with your opinion I could not agree more PARTIALLY AGREE I understand your point of view but…. I agree with you...

To avoid using very in our writing and speaking, we must learn synonyms for commonly used words. This is highly effective in improving your scores in both writing and speaking. Very afraid: Fearful Very Angry: Furious Very Bad: Awful Very Beautiful: Gorgeous Very Big: Massive Very Bright: Luminous Very Busy: Swamped Very Calm:...

Describe a time when you helped someone   You should say     Who you helped and why   How you helped this person   What was...

Here are some power words along with  sample usage, you are advised to use these words in your TOEFL test both in writing as well as Speaking test, using these words will help you in improving your Score. For Comprehensive CELPIP Training, LIVE SESSIONS ON ZOOM...

Latest Speaking questions For Comprehensive training of IELTS visit us at or call: +91-9958879262 What do you study?Which College are you studying at?Why did you choose this subject?Is it a popular subject/course in your country?Do you enjoy studying that subject?Do you get on well with fellow...

We offer LIVE online training for IELTS, please visit 1. Talk about an aquatic animal 2. Talk about a time when you needed to use your imagination 3. Talk about an excellent or special hotel you stayed in 4. Talk about a short...

For comprehensive Training, Live online classes, Please visit or call +91-9958879262 Essays should ideally be written in four paragraphs, you can go to 5 paragraphs if there is additional information to be shared. However a minimum of four paragraphs is recommended. Paragraph One …………………… Introduction Paragraph Two...

EXPERT FACULTY with more than 20 years Experience PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF SUCCESSFUL RESULTS HOW DO WE HELP Comprehensive training is provided by us covering all modules ONE on ONE training is also available Classes are conducted online LIVE, no need to visit the center, study from your home Programs are...

E-MAIL WRITING You get 27 minutes to complete this task and you should write the response in 150 to 200 words. Ideally you should try to write 180 or 210 words and under no circumstances you should be below 150 words. How to present an effective answer: Ideally use...

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent and at least one dependent clause. Example of complex sentences I like to read the review before I watch a movie.Because he was late again, he would be losing part of his wages.While I am a passionate about cricket, I prefer...

Sample email question with answer Q2: You purchased annual membership to a fitness center based on an advertisement. After a period of time, you discovered that the services described on the advertisement are not found in the center. You tried to talk to the manager, but he did nothing to...

Source of question is Ielts online tests, while the answer is prepared by me.Answer The mankind has been facing challenges since eternity and is majorly able to overcome challenges, survive and even prosper. In my opinion, my country...

Job or work (being away from home, challenge at work, choice selection)Finance & Money issue (Bank Loan, salary decrease, money management)Relationship with people (Meeting new people, issue between friends)First experience (Place, Work, teaching, lesson , airport, concert, etc.)Direction (How to get there, public transportation, weather)Health & daily lifeSocial matter (Involvement,...

These are helpful in CELPIP writing, CELPIP speaking as well as IELTS, TOEFL . Act up: Behave badly or strangely.          My car is ACTING UP; I think I might need a service. Add on Include in a calculation. You have to ADD the GST ON to the price they give. Aim...

To provide you with essential strategies to secure desired score in IELTS listening. 1. Spelling your answers correctly Your answer will be marked incorrect if you spell any words wrongly, for example writing STUENT in place of STUDENT. 2. You must use the exact words as presented...

Useful prepositions for CELPIP writing and CELPIP speaking, these can be helpful in IELTS writing, IELTS speaking as well as PTE & TOEFL. Surprised By the question presented Amazed by what I heard Delighted By the news of wedding Disturbed By the news Excited by seeing my name in the...

Useful prepositions for CELPIP writing and CELPIP speaking, these can be helpful in IELTS writing, IELTS speaking as well as PTE & TOEFL. I recommend reading these and start practising while you speak or write Skilled at making reports Amazed at how calm my friend was Angry at my friend Excellent at planning...

Some people believe the purpose of education should be helping the individual to become useful for society, while others believe it should help individuals to achieve their ambitions. Discuss both sides and give...

These fillers are for CELPIP speaking and IELTS Speaking If I have to present my thoughts/opinion  I would say, I have mixed views on this issue Honestly Speaking, I am not an expert in art, but I suppose that To be honest, I am no longer a sportsperson… at the max,...

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.