Vaedus | IELTS Essay Structure
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IELTS Essay Structure

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Essays should ideally be written in four paragraphs, you can go to 5 paragraphs if there is additional information to be shared. However a minimum of four paragraphs is recommended.

Paragraph One …………………… Introduction

Paragraph Two …………………… Main Body, could be advantages or your point of view

Paragraph Three …………………… main body, could be disadvantages, Solutions or additional information based on your opinion

Paragraph Four …………………… Conclusion, this paragraph is a summary of paragraph two and paragraph three.

Paragraph One:

This is introduction paragraph, where in we should use three or possibly four sentences.

 Sentence one should be describe the topic of the Essay, also called the Hook statement.

Sentence two should be paraphrasing the question that is presenting the question in your own words, while paraphrasing you should write your own sentence keeping the same meaning as the question.

Sentence three should be your opinion about the topic that you are about to answer.

You can also use a forth sentence like “I will share my reasoning in following paragraphs” “I will expound on my views in this essay”

Paragraph Two:

This is the main body of your essay, here you should present the key points to support your opinion, you must write at least two key points, you may even write three key points and explain them. An example at this stage would be recommended. Remember Example is to support your argument and this should not be too lengthy.

Mistakes to avoid:

Writing only one key point and giving a long explanation,

Giving an example that takes more words than your key argument.

Same key point being repeated or too long explanation.

Paragraph Three:

This is your  paragraph three, in this paragraph you should present additional information or key points depending on the kind of question, like for Advantage and Disadvantage essay, you should present  disadvantages if you have already written advantages in paragraph two, For Cause and solution Essay since you have written causes or Impact in paragraph two the third paragraph should be solution, In case of agree or disagree Essay you may continue to write more key points to support your argument here.

Paragraph Four:

This is your conclusion paragraph, here you should be concluding your arguments and basically this is a summary of your paragraph two and three, we should not add any additional arguments here.

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