Vaedus | What is the basic structure for CELPIP writing task 2 in the CELPIP exam?
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What is the basic structure for CELPIP writing task 2 in the CELPIP exam?

In your CELPIP exam, the writing task is split into two parts and for task 2 you are aloocated 26 minutes. It must contain at least 150 to 200 words so waste no time, concentrate and focus on the task at hand.

It’s a survey question, where in you are given a case with two options, you have to pick one of the choices and justify your choice.

Ideally you should be writing your response in four paragraphs for CELPIP writing task 2.

For more information visit

Introduction: This paragraph should present an introduction to the topic / paraphrasing the question statement and your opinion or the choice that you prefer.

Support your opinion: Once you have made your opinion clear, you have to provide facts to justify your choice. Make sure your arguments are logical and relevant.

Paragraph Three: You can continue togive supporting arguments in favor of your choice or you can also mention why the other choice will not work.

Summarize your opinion: Here you should present a one liner summary of your paragraph two and three and you can add you should present one sentence thanking the authorities for giving you an opportunity to voice your opinion.

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