Vaedus | IELTS Essay, IELTS writing task 2, with sample answer
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IELTS Essay, IELTS writing task 2, with sample answer

8.      Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole.

         Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

         Write at least 250 words.

The number of vegetarian in a community may depend on various factors, for example the traditions of the country, the wealth of the country, the religion or the age group and also availability of vegetation. Therefore, the reasons why people choose to exclude meat and fish from their diet may also vary.

Some people become vegetarian because they believe that this will benefit their health. Undoubtedly, eating too much meat, especially too much red meat should be avoided as suggested by numerous medical researchers, Moreover, the fact that there are healthy populations in some parts of the world, where populations are majorly vegetarian makes us understand that it is not the only essential part of the human diet. Meat is a source of protein and can be included in the diet from other sources. While being vegetarian can be tradition or religious belief for some people we must ensure proper diet planning

In my experience, it is quite common for people to become vegetarians because they feel that it is selfish to eat meat or because meat production increases global warming. They may also feel that if no one ate meat, there would be no food shortage, because meat production uses up food resources. This idealistic point of view is very attractive, but it is hard to judge whether it is in fact correct.

In my country some families, are traditionally vegetarian and it is absolutely okay, provided that they continue to eat healthily, there should not be any objections till they are able to meet the scientific requirements of human body. In my opinion, vegetarianism is a valid choice in life. Moreover, research shows that vegetarians can be healthier in many ways than meat-eaters.

Personally, I think that being a vegetarian is a good idea in principle as there are proven health benefits and probably social benefits as well. However, it does not suit everybody, and I suggest professional dietician can advice any individual on their dietary needs.

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